Winter Blog

The importance of maintaining the surface integrity of the road surface going into the winter months can not be over emphasised. Where surfaces are pot holed, open cracks or broken – water will penetrate the base and sub base layers and will expand the problem areas during the freeze thaw cycle associated with the winter months. The effects of this action can be quite pronounced and very noticeable approaching the spring. Pot holes will expand significantly, cracks and broken areas will quickly degrade into larger problem areas. Fine material from the broken surface will also act as an abrasive on areas of intact surface, further accelerating the decay.

For the reasons mentioned above it is important to take a proactive approach going into the winter and treat decayed areas of surface and pot holes with patch repairs to seal the road surface and maintain the surface integrity. Glenco will disc cut neatly around pot holes and break out the decayed macadam. The areas are then tack coated and then brought up to surface course tolerance with compacted tarmac. A new surface course is then laid and thoroughly compacted flush with the adjoining surface and finaly a hot pour bitumen joint sealant applied to ensure no water ingress is possible to the new repair. Where applicable existing line marking is reinstated with thermoplastic line marking. Although it is difficult to make a patch repair a thing of beauty – at Glenco, we will nevertheless try, all as part of our commitment to ‘Bring Quality to the Surface